The Future is Afoot #
Welcome! #
Who am I? #
I’m Corey. I’m a long distance hiker of over 30 years. Walking, in the wilderness or otherwise, is vital for me. I carry many things, among them are careers as a academic historian, an educator and a decade-long exile as an “enterprise architect.” I use these tools and frameworks to make unsense of our slide into climate and political catastrophe. How could I not be an absurdist? #
Why? #
Because we’re screwed. It’s later than we think and the 2nd law of thermodynamics shows no favor. Renewable energy will not save us, habitability is already compromised, political order is dropping the polite mask, millions are on the move, facing closed borders, political violence and despair. #
But we’ve always been a species afoot and our future is afoot too. Low energy, low impact and liberatory, walking the proud land is an answer. A wealth of learnings from ambulatory societies of the past and present demand our attention. Attending the immense need of the mis- and dis-placed is our duty and our opportunity to build new lifeways on foot. #
What’s all this then? #
Walk the Proud Land is a hot mess of research notes, profiles and histories of people on the land, history of wandering, migration (forced and otherwise), politics of walking, and land ethic. Check out this topic sampler more. #
Support #
Help keep a hiker in instant ramen! Or Knorr sides if that’s more your taste. I don’t charge for access to any of my work here. There are no paywalls here or on any of sites I syndicate to. #
But if you’d like to support my work, I greatly appreciate it if you bought me a coffee. #
Shout outs from the trail available.